Plant Choices

Plant of the Month - June

Kleinia fulgens or the common name is Coral senecio

This provides a gorgeous display of orange scarlet It is a stunning grey-green leafed succulent and is ideal for hot dry spots in the garden. The species name, fulgens, means shining and refers to the vibrant, colour of the flowers. It is ideal for planting in rockeries as the colourful flower add a bright splash of colour in winter. The succulent leaves which are an attractive grey/green with purpling on the underside, offer year-round appeal.

Winter Flowering Plants

With great relief, Autumn has finally arrived! It's getting cooler now, and the plants are less stressed from battling through the intense summer heat. Plant's growth spurts have begun to slow down now and many start to withdraw chlorophyll from their leaves, displaying an exquisite array of warm autumn colours. It is this "shift" that brings another element of interest to your garden landscape. Our season contrasts here at the coast, are a lot more subtle than in the colder climates, but there are still plants we plant here that are particularly chosen for their winter character. Plants that spring to mind are the winter flowering Red hot Pokers, Aloes, Plectranthus, Crane flowers, Bulbine, Ribbon bush and succulent leaves like Cotyledons that become intense in colour.

Autumn Planting

Now is the time to ponder and plan for the all important planting season that lies ahead. March, April and May are very important in the garden calendar. Here at the coast, I like to make March the planning month and April and May the implementing month as I personally find March still a bit too hot for true Autumn chores. Take some moments during the month of March and identify any trees that you would possibly like to transplant to a more suitable position. Or plan any new trees you would like to plant. Autumn tree planting will certainly pay handsome dividends in the long run because the roots spend the whole Autumn and winter period developing their network and as spring comes these trees just fly! Make a list of the perennials that need splitting and dividing. Order your compost and your potting soil because Autumn is definitely the time to get your hands dirty.