Eco Balance Landscaping Ballito | Garden Services | Irrigation | Paving

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Three Major Benefits Of A Professional Garden Maintenance Plan

There are huge benefits when utilising a proper garden maintenance plan - including not just how your garden looks, but is more in tune with how a planned ecosystem can create a longer lasting garden. With proper moisture retention, an efficient and eco friendly irrigation system and the proper balance of indigenous plants that rely on the seasonal whims of our beautiful North Coast, you can have an asset to your property that will enhance value and add character to your experience. Here are three major benefits of a professional garden maintenance plan.


Central to any garden maintenance schedule is the addition of mulch, to facilitate the retention of moisture, suppress weeds and moderate soil temperature. Too little mulch and you may lose the necessary moderations for the garden to maintain through the drought we’ve become so intimate with this year. By utilising consistent approach to mulching throughout the year, you can give your garden a fighting chance to stay green for longer. 


It has become a very dominant reality for us on the North Coast - we need to become more eco friendly and tap into mother nature for sustainability. If you haven’t yet, head on over to sign up for a rain water harvesting consultation and we’ll send out our team to perform an assessment to view suitable solutions for your garden irrigation systems. We can get you up and running with a JoJo Tanks installation and you’ll be prepared for the summer months and pending water restrictions.



At Eco Balance, we promote the exclusive use of indigenous plant life. There are many reasons for this, but most importantly your foreign species really expect a total different environment and climate to thrive in. In order to protect your investment, it would be prudent to steer clear of foreign species because they can be very thirsty plants, which would require much more water and be more expensive to maintain in the long run.

If you’re interested in how a professional garden maintenance plan can benefit your property, then give us a call or enquire below to set up a consultation and receive peace of mind that your garden will be green all year round.

Want to see what a professional garden maintenance plan can do for your garden?